Suger’s Confident You

 Confident You 2016, are YOU ready?

Returning in 2016 Suger’s Confident You will challenge you to take action towards a more confident you. For 28 days, starting the 1st of June, you will bump and grind your way through exercises and challenges to release your hidden confidence. Because it’s in there. I know it is. And we are going to draw it out.

Want to find a way to ask for that pay rise, score a hot date, or be comfortable in your skin at the pool… This is the place to be.

Let me get something out of the way right now. I can’t guarantee you that come the end of the program you are going to have some miraculous shift in confidence. I can’t promise you that you will be on your path to world domination. Each of us is on a different path and you will see the results you see based on where you want to go and the work you put in.

And if preparing this challenge is any indication, a crisis of confidence can hit you anytime. Haha. I’ve been knocked down more times in the last month than I care to admit. But that makes me uniquely placed to teach you how to get back up, don’t you think?

So I can’t, and simply won’t promise you epic level confidence, but I can promise you this, if you do the tasks, if you take the challenge and participate, you will;

  1. Feel better about yourself, more confident, more self-assured
  2. You will find yourself taking time out for what’s important to you
  3. You will have a plan to start to achieve your dreams and goals in life
  4. You will be supported in doing that by me, and the others taking on the same things
  5. We will have had some laughs together, really let the good times roll

With new content (this isn’t our first rodeo, check out the Confident You archives) and a subscriber-only resource library featuring the weekly content (including video), printables, and downloads to support you in the process. I’ve got your back.

Plus it’s free. You literally will only have to commit your time each week to me and the others in the program, other than that, it won’t cost you a thing.

Join the 28 days to a more Confident You challenge, sign up below.

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