Portraits, house images, fashion images, ALL the images, just give them to me in black and white. This house I was determined to move away from my predominately black and white theme to something a little softer. Something with tan and leather, industrial without being too hard. Warm and welcoming. Something that would be at home in the artful interiors of our new home.
And still, the black and white continues to creep back in. Sure it’s an off white. Maybe even a cream. But it edges in and I must admit it’s like coming home to an old friend. There’s something classic about it. I could flip through black and white images all day. Imagining the colour. Lost in the contrast. It’s no wonder it shows up time and time again in my home. So this week, it’s my inspired by. And I’ve collected some good ones! Check it out.
What are you up to this week? Any big news? Did you hear, we could be in our new house Friday! Wooo.
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.
Best thing about B&W is it can be accented in tonnes of different ways. Think of those amazing arsty photos where the red shoes are the only colour in an otherwise B&W photograph. Its so easy to build layers of classic B&W, accentuated with a few of your favourite colours, or a few statement pieces. Our place is all about the black and whites and greys, accented with bright red cushions, a bright red rug, a cool as hell red pixar style standing lamp and other picks of red here and there. As well as a taupe coloured couch to soften things up.
I totally agree. The tones, levels and contrast in a black and white image can be soooo diverse. A thing of beauty.