During part one, if you took the challenge and you totally should, you should have selected a few fashion rules to give up then and there. Items that were holding you back from styles you loved for no good reason other than someone once said it was a bad idea. So if you did that, if you took some time to think about what the heck it is that was holding you back then you are ready to roll. 

You are ready to start to talk about style, creating it and where to go when you have no idea what you like or if it will work for you. Great! Because that is today’s topic. Today we take a look at some ways that you can relearn the good stuff. It’s fashion and style without the shoulds. Nothing is off-limits to you. Now what?

For most people they are freaking out right now and making some sort of attempt to run for the hills! Well steady on there folks. Nothing to fear here. It’s really about taking a long, hard look at your body, at your life and working out what you like. HA. No biggie.  

Know your body

So let’s start with your body. I’m not going to go to town saying that this style works for this body type but not for that one just like every women’s magazine in the history of womankind. Nope. It’s not for that purpose it’s just a case of knowing what you work with, your actual size and your plans in terms of showing off the goodies. 

Take a moment to look at that body of yours. Don’t judge it in the way that is so common by immediately focusing on the flaws and imperfections. Start by admiring what a freaking amazing thing it is. Admire those characteristics you have that are markers of your family’s history. Admire your body. 

Know what your love about it

Then decide what it is that you love most about it. What are the things you want to draw attention to if that’s something you’re keen to do. For me it was always the strong line of my shoulders and my boobs. Isn’t it always boobs? Haha. But over time I’ve embraced the mini skirt and my legs. That wasn’t always the case. 

I can still remember when I first started buying skirts that sat above my knees. Or shorter, eeeeek! I worried that I would be judged for my choices, worried my legs are magazine perfectly tanned or smooth. Worried that perhaps someone out there would look at me and say what the heck was she thinking!? 

But it hasn’t happened yet. I don’t actually expect it ever to happen. Do you want to be let in on a secret? Most people will only ever consider your outfit as a passing pop of thought. Most people won’t consider it at all. The only ones who really notice and comment are those who admire your style or an item you are wearing. So trust in that and choose a part of your body you hadn’t considered before. 

Get your measurements

If you’re going to be internet shopping {let’s face it, it’ll probably happen} you’ll need your measurements. Grab that tape measure and take your hips, bust and waist measurements. Write them down and keep them somewhere close by. I never buy anything online without checking the specific sites measurements and I recommend you do the same. Online reviews and bloggers are another great resource for sizing information. 

Know your lifestyle

The final step of working out where you are is to get serious about the sort of life you lead. There’s no point aspiring to a personal style fit for an on-duty a-list actress when you are working from home in your own business looking after kids. You just won’t have that many opportunities to wear that gown. Consider how much time you have for things like hair, make-up and ironing {man I hate ironing} and factor that into the look you are creating. 

Lifestyle is such an important factor because you can spend a lot of time and money chasing down ideas and items that never get worn if you’ve forgotten that you just don’t get out that much. If the school run and running around doing errands is you thing start to formulate a casual style that you love. Work in an office with loads of after hours meetings, you’re going to need a completely different base of clothes. 

The way you live your life matters. You want fun and creativity, for sure, but you have to be able to wear your new look in your everyday life. So what does life look like for you. If you have any level of confusion about that, maybe life is a blur, just track it in a diary or on a whiteboard for a week. That will let you know in a minute. It’ll be glaring obvious. You probably won’t have any gala balls to attend. Probably. Bummer. 

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You’re ready? Now what?

Now, my friend, you are ready. Armed with the information about your body and its size you can now start to either look for inspiration in your everyday life or online from women with the same bodies as you have. But don’t get caught up in the size of your body, it can certainly be a shape thing as well. What you like about an hourglass shaped woman wearing a size 6 and a woman with the same shape in a size 22 will translate. 

I will often use models off duty or red carpet styles as inspiration because I have a pretty straight up and down shape, larger across the shoulders, and that is similar to my smaller model counterparts. So when they wear a longline t-shirt, leggings and ankle boots, I can buy those items in my size and see it work on me. Give it a try, head to Pinterest or Google search for images and be descriptive. 

A word from the wise, and me too, don’t get too bogged down in only looking at people who have a similar shape as you. Start to consider everything as inspiration and build a set of personal guidelines based on what you like. I watch 90’s cult movies and find ways I want to style my jeans. I was reading an old issue of Vogue and remembered how much I love a simple yet timeless outfit so I grabbed a photo with my phone and saved it in my inspiration folder. It’s like the modern tear out page.

Give it a go and don’t let your thinking be limited. Know where you are starting from. Know your base point by knowing your body, the parts you want to show off and your lifestyle and keep an open mind about what could work for you. It’s not Fashion Anarchy if you swap one set of rules for another, so consider them guidelines and treat them as always flexible, changing and made to be broken often. 

What’s your life, body and style look like now?
Is it different to yesterday and will it be a little more flexible now?
If not, repeat step one and come back. HA.

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Tell me in the comments below where YOU find fashion inspiration {there are no bonus points for saying here, but thank you, you’re so kind. Ha}. If you haven’t been inspired for a while, I challenge you to FIND SOMETHING that inspires you today and share that with the hashtag #sugersfashionanarchy or in the comments below.

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