Welcome to my new post series folks. Fashion Anarchy is a place for you to discover your personal style by forgetting the fashion rules that confine you, and let’s face it, make you feel bad. Read more about how the series started here. But first, as we kick off day one of this five-part series {here all week!} I want you to stop hunching your shoulder, give yourself a shake and loosen up a little. We’ve got some heavy lifting to do. Breaking the rules takes work and that’s why there’s a little reward in it for you, read on to the end to find out more!  Ready? Let’s roll.sfa square - MORE AT


The first step in Fashion Anarchy is forgetting everything that you know or think you know about the rules of fashion. Don’t wear this, wear that, like this, don’t like that and on and on it goes. These rules are created to make personal style foolproof and simple but what they really do is make us feel like we are never quite getting ti right.

Always failing. Always wrong. 

Let me tell you a little about how I came to shake off those rules and take my own personal style in my own hands. I’ve always loved fashion and considered myself well dressed but I was constantly bombarded with do this, wear that and absolutely DON’T wear those. 

I was even avoiding horizontal stripes. And for those who know me and my personal style NOW that’s a big one. Stripes are like a basic to me now. But I did. I listened to them even though I dreamed of elegant, chic french inspired outfit. But where would I find it? Retailers were offering clothes that fit the rules. I wanted more.  

There came a time, after years of conforming to the rules out there for plus-size women that I thought, these people didn’t make these rules for me. They don’t know me, my body shape or build, they just throw them out there into the world like mud that ended up sticking. I know my body. I know what I like. Maybe it was time I started looking with my own eyes to work out what worked for me. 

So I started looking.

sugers fashion anarchy - they don't make the rules for me.jpg

At the time I found it difficult to purchase clothes from stores anyway, I wore a size 26 or larger and the offerings were far from fashionable. I knew what I wanted but couldn’t find it. I was pointed in the direction of online retailers, our American and UK friends in fashion.

Bit by bit I could add items to my wardrobe as I wanted or needed them. I had jeans for the first time in years! Dresses and tops that were made to fit a body like mine. Retailers who delivered on clothes that were fashionable, current and priced so that I could afford them. 

My personal style started to blossom. I’d choose a skirt because I liked it, not because it would balance out my wide shoulders or hide my chunky knees. I wore oversized items and tailored items. I would pick and choose colours and styles that were against the rules JUST to try them out. 

Forgetting those fashion rules was the best thing I ever did for my personal style, but most of all for my self-esteem. Consider that as you abide by those rules, as you hide and cover and minimise or maximise your body parts, you make decisions about them being good or bad. Decisions that impact how you feel about your body in general. 

After all some of those old rules are pretty specifically associated with bodies of certain types. Heaven forbid you forget for a moment that you are too tall, too short, too fat or thin, too old or young, too tan or pale… They are rules made to remind you to conform to an idea. 

But personal style isn’t an idea, a thing that can be broken down into a few set rules that shouldn’t be broken, it’s a personal expression. It’s a creative outlet. A way to express who you are without speaking. A way to live your life out loud. 

So it’s time to throw out those old rules. If you can take on board that for the most part they lied to you, that there are exceptions to every rule and rules are made to be broken {you choose} then you can start building a style you love from nothing. Throw off those old rules. 

Tomorrow we start to build up a style you love but today make a mental note, an actual list or a Pinterest board that features THREE items you’d love to wear but never did because the rules said it was a no-no. Maybe it’s a mini skirt, horizontal stripes, an oversized t-shirt dress or ankle boots.

Rules are made to be broken Sugers. Let the anarchy begin! 


Declare those fashion rules over {finished, done!} by sharing what you’re giving up in the comments or on social media using the hashtag #sugersfashionanarchy. 


Win eBooks - Combined

Take on today’s challenge and WIN a copy of the How to Work with Colour & Print by super personal stylist Natalie Tucker of Defined Image and my Budget Fashionista Workbook just by completing the challenge. For your entry to count you MUST comment on this post with the details of the social media share. Entries will close at the end of the week with one person who entered being selected at random. Email addresses WILL be required.