Lately, I’ve been living out of my laundry basket. You know the one, the clean clothes you wash, never really get around to folding or putting away. Day after day I reach for the same pieces while a closet full of clothes sits overstuffed and waiting in the wings. Clothes that spill from the draws and shelves, bust out of the hanging space where they are lined up in doubled up pairs.

So it’s time!

Time to clean out my closet. Time to get serious about the clothes I wear and the ones I never wear. The clothes I love and the clothes I tolerate because I think one day I might wear them again. But I need to get real about when, or even if, that is ever going to happen again. Which it probably isn’t. Time to let go.

But I need a plan, right!?

Of course, I do, I always need a plan.

So this is it, let me lay it out for you in case you are going to take this as a bit of a nudge towards the overstuffed closet in your house. Because cleaning out gives you space and room to see what’s there in your closet so you can utilise it. Those crammed draws and jam-packed hanging space just don’t lend themselves to easy access to your clothes. Right? So let’s do this.

My closet clean out plan;

  1. Pull everything out. Every. Single. Thing.
  2. Divide into rubbish, donate, sell/giveaway and keep piles.
  3. Revise the keep pile by trying EVERYTHING on. Move to other piles as required.
  4. Get rid of the rubbish and donate piles before I change my mind.
  5. Bring in a friend at this stage if I’ve still got too much.
  6. Pack the sell/giveaway items into a storage tub and set aside.
  7. Replace items I’m keeping in wardrobe.
  8. Drink copious amounts of wine to celebrate.
  9. Do my best not to sneak back into the discard piles and take things back.

So there you go! My closet clean out plan. Which, all going well, should occur this Friday. Because I need to look at what I’ve got, what I need and all those kind of things before I go to Melbourne at the end of the month. Because let’s face it, I need to know now if I need ONE MORE white t-shirt or if I’ve got it covered. Okay. So I already know the answer to that.

But onwards! Wish me luck.

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