But as of two weeks ago, I am back working for myself 100% of the time! Eeeekkk. We made it, team. AGAIN. If you’ve been following this blog for a while (hands up!) you would know this isn’t the first time. I had a cafe when I was 21 (craziness! Haha) and there was a time around 2011 that I worked entirely as a freelancer from home.

To be honest, that experience, I’m not sure if it makes it easier or harder. I know now what my strengths are, but I also have a pretty clear idea of my weaknesses. I know what there is to be done to meet my requirements… However, I also know I have a tendency to disregard such things. But it’s time. I know it’s time.

This kinda sums it up.

I am ready. I’m sure I am. That, of course, doesn’t make it any easier to be responsible for paying my bills and taxes and all that other adult type stuff. In some ways, I know that focusing on that is keeping my attention on a downer. But, it’s always been where I’ve struggled.

Darn you focus, darn yooooou!

Getting business, pitching and delivering isn’t something I struggle with. Knowing how and when I need to kick it up a notch or move forward? Also not a problem when I trust my instincts. But what I have always found difficult is the operational (blah/meh) stuff. I’m an Aries with what we can only assume is ADD. I lose focus easily and find it hard to do the tasks that don’t interest me.

Like book-keeping, or taxes in general. Or paperwork and filing, even going to the post office. I get caught up doing the things I love to do and they can tend to go a little by the wayside. But don’t fret, I’ve learned my lesson. This time I have a book-keeper. Someone to keep me on track. I also have the voice of reason that is my accountant.

As I said, I’m ready.

And now, I have to trust that. Do what I know to do and continue to grow. Take time to do the things I love, sure. But make time for the things that I’ve let slip in previous ‘retirements’. I get to make my own rules. It means naps and afternoons in the sunshine. There’s time for seeing the family and coffee with friends. In fact, I’m finding it incredibly easy to fill my days. Haha. Pretty standard for me.

But now comes the fun part as piece by piece I settle into a groove. Creating little by little a life that’s perfect for me. That’s exciting, right? The real, when all is said and done, the awesomeness of it all. I get to decide. It’s all on me and it’s all up to me. No wonder I haven’t been able to wipe the smile off my face.