Em from Geek Chic Girl loaned me this jacket back at the “Queensland Plus-Size Blogger” meet up on the Gold Coast. She hadn’t had much luck styling it, and I was gleefully rubbing my hands together at the opportunity. Home it came with me for months, and I wore it often. So often in fact I thought I’d better get it back to her before I wore that poor jacket to death.

The second last time I wore it was to grab these photos for Yours Clothing (top) and 17 Sundays (leggings). New items that had arrived that didn’t have pictures and yet NEEDED to be introduced to you fine people. Originally I’d planned to wear my white jacket. This one just seemed to be a better choice. Floral and sporty looks together? Uh huh honey.

Don’t you think? The pop of the orange is picked up in both items, and they work together well. Who can resist some large “Sporty Spice” letters on their boobs? Not meeeee! Even if I once again ordered at least a size too big in the shirt (same story as the jumpsuit, I’m afraid) and it makes it a wee bit too “blousey” for my liking. The length was my main motivator; I wanted something I could wear over these killer leggings.

Leggings that are squishing me like a sausage I’m afraid. There was a sizing issue that the team has rectified for future releases. So after a wee bit of a squish, I found that the XL was wearable. I’ a pretty standard size 22 so that should give you some idea. Size up ladies. Way up. That’s good news for our not so plus friends though, the small will be right up your alley. Check them out.

I know some creepers in the supermarket car park where we took these photos were checking them out… They heckled us the entire time we snapped these photos, even with Madame Rouge playing traffic bouncer and then followed us towards the car park when we left. Hubby laughed at the whole thing. Some protector of my virtue he turned out to be.

So there you go, behind the scenes with this fearless blog trio. It’s not overly eventful; it just involves some colourful language and flipping the bird. HA.

Varsity Vest Tunic – Yours Clothing {size 26/28 – gifted}
Jacket – Wonderlust for The Iconic {sold out}
Leggings – 17 Sundays {size XL – gifted}
Point Toe Shoes – Emerson for Big W


Ever borrowed an item from a friend you didn’t want to give back?