I lay on the floor, champagne coursing through my veins and the noise of excited chatter around me. My room-mates are talking over the event, partaking in a midnight snack and generally having a fab time. It’s post-runway for the Curvy Couture Road Show 2015 and we are all buzzing, if not a wee bit exhausted from the festivities. Desiree loans me her laptop, I pop in my SD card and it notifies me that I have 1200 pictures to load…
That’s a lot.
There are 5 or so of our room. A total of 3 from my visit to the offices of 17 Sundays earlier the day before. About 20 from the Blogger’s Brunch that morning. And perhaps, at a push, 7 pre-show photos… The rest were captured throughout the 3 hours of runway, from various spots around the room, during the show. I had a big job ahead of me, one that would require a large chunk of my phone data.
To say, culling them was difficult would be an understatement. But cull I did. I whittled and narrowed and examined. And while I still have loads of great photos I have narrowed down a small selection of my favourites as a kind of entrée to my later posts giving you all the goss about Curvy Couture Road Show 2015. So enjoy folks. Bon Appetite.
More to come, ladies and gents, much more.
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.