I lay on the floor, champagne coursing through my veins and the noise of excited chatter around me. My room-mates are talking over the event, partaking in a midnight snack and generally having a fab time. It’s post-runway for the Curvy Couture Road Show 2015 and we are all buzzing, if not a wee bit exhausted from the festivities. Desiree loans me her laptop, I pop in my SD card and it notifies me that I have 1200 pictures to load…


That’s a lot.

There are 5 or so of our room. A total of 3 from my visit to the offices of 17 Sundays earlier the day before. About 20 from the Blogger’s Brunch that morning. And perhaps, at a push, 7 pre-show photos… The rest were captured throughout the 3 hours of runway, from various spots around the room, during the show. I had a big job ahead of me, one that would require a large chunk of my phone data.

To say, culling them was difficult would be an understatement. But cull I did. I whittled and narrowed and examined. And while I still have loads of great photos I have narrowed down a small selection of my favourites as a kind of entrée to my later posts giving you all the goss about Curvy Couture Road Show 2015. So enjoy folks. Bon Appetite.

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More to come, ladies and gents, much more.