I went inside, waaaay inside, the Curvy Cartel shop t my friend Mel’s house. Wow. Short version. All kinds of wow. I didn’t take my camera to the Aussie Curves dinner so yesterday before I left Mel’s I figured best I do that thing bloggers are supposed to do and get some photos for a little tale on my blog. Go me. Be a blogger… Check!

Mel has a pretty darn awesome collection of stuff. What started as a way for her to buy a range of sizes when buying from overseas plus-size brands and resell the items she didn’t require, is now a hallway and spare bedroom crammed with greatness. She sells at the moment only via Instagram after loads of successful transactions on eBay. So why am I telling you all this?

Well she’s my friend, I want her to clear the stock she needs to and I’m hoping she might keep me in cool clothes for many years to come. Haha. Derrrr. Even if it’s just someone to split the shipping with, you know? Mel, Liv and I make a great shopping team. WAIT until you see us all in our The Cut for Evans gear. Woot woo. Until that happens, enjoy this sneak peek behind the curtain.

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Find Mel’s Curvy Cartel store on Instagram HERE.