Now, I had a decision to make… Would I go hipster as in the person or hipster as the style of pants just to be a smarty pants? No brainer for me really. Being long in the torso, hipster pants look a little pornographic on me. It’s awkward really all that belly and butt hanging out everywhere.

So yeah. Hipster-hipster it is. Bring on the chunky knits, plaid, horn rimmed glasses and pork pie hats. I’ve got this. But it turns out I didn’t really. I tried to put together outfit after outfit. I tried the festival style hipster, the vintage style hipster and bit by bit I got more annoyed. I’d give it a miss, I thought.

Then THIS happened.

My take on hipster was always going to be a wee but 90’s inspired. My entire winter wardrobe will probably be the same. I swing somewhere between a Ralph Lauren Rachel from Friends and Liv Tyler’s character in Empire Records. That apparently is my style inspiration this season. So when I put the pieces together I wasn’t surprised to find myself firmly in 90’s territory.

But what was old is new again right?

So I embraced the idea that my hipster look would be very 90’s indeed AND there would be lace up ankle boots, of course. Because I am nothing if not consistent. Try not to be bored! This new season 17 Sundays cut out skirt is AMAZING on. I ummed and ahhed about if it would work for me. Claire from the brand told me to shut up and take it. And she, as usual, was right. I’m wearing the 22 and since there is very little give in the material, the 24 would’ve worked too. I have a long torso, I’m highwaisted and you can see how it sits on me perfectly thanks to this CROP TOP. Yup! Eeek. 

plus size outfit plaid jacket crop top + ful skirt-8 plus size outfit plaid jacket crop top + ful skirt-3

Since we are here, let me tell you about the absolute GLUT of stockings that have been winging their way to me. When I entered this year I had two pairs of stockings/opaque tights. One pair didn’t fit and other was perched on the edge of hole town. Now, thanks to the generosity of numerous brands/outlets I am the proud owner of over 20 pairs of stockings/tights. And that doesn’t count my leggings. Seriously.

I have coloured ones, printed ones, footless ones, sheer ones, work ones, play ones… All the things. Seriously. So expect for stockings to feature in a way they have never really done before. Don’t get me wrong, I love the look. But when you are almost 5’11” and a size 22 your options WERE limited. Not so much now apparently. Thank goodness for THAT. More information on THAT to come.

plus size outfit plaid jacket crop top + ful skirt-9 plus size outfit plaid jacket crop top + ful skirt-8 plus size outfit plaid jacket crop top + ful skirt-7

Berry Plaid Jacket – My Mum’s
Crop Top – ASOS {standard sizing – size L}
Laser Cut Skirt – 17 Sundays {size 22 – gifted}
Wildberry Footless Tights – Sonsee Woman {size stunning – gifted}
Ankle Boots – Autograph Fashion {2011}
