It’s announcement time! Samara and I are relaunching our podcast, Suger + Ink as the 30’ish podcast. It’s about that time right now where we are madly trying to pre-record some episodes and get everything set up to go. But before I go into all of that, let me tell you a little bit about the inspiration behind the 30’ish and why I think you’re going to love it.

What is 30’ish podcast?

What do you do when you’re 30’ish and things look a little different to what you thought they would? When I was a kid, I remember my parents seeming so ‘adulty’. I assumed my life would look the same. Husband, family, business, house, big Christmases with lots of presents. I thought by thirty I would have it all figured out. At thirty I would BE an actual real live adult. But maybe not. It turns out my teenage-self had another thing coming. 30, 35 if we’re going full disclosure, is something else.

I have not arrived, nor made it. Nor does my life LOOK a certain way. Not that there’s anything wrong with my version of thirty. It’s different, that’s all. But I don’t know about you, I had plans for my thirties when I was younger that don’t look like things do now. The plan has been abandoned (long ago) and things are chugging along in whole other direction. Half of that is as a kid you have no idea what you’re talking about and then the rest is life surprising you. In a good way!

So, let’s talk about that.

To be clear, the plan isn’t to lament the paths our lives have taken or the dreams that we have allowed to go by the wayside. I mean, how do you stay upbeat when the world’s politicians have pretty much gone crazy and you’re not sure that decent people exist outside of those ‘faith restored’ stories on the internet? I’m not sure, but I feel like it has something to do with wine, good people, doing something you love and talking about it all on the internet. Haha.

What it comes down to is that Samara and I have created pretty great lives and we want to share them with you. The ups and the downs of adulting, working, maintaining relationships and generally having a life. Told casually, in a conversation that gets real about what being an Australian 30-something woman in 2018 actually looks like. Through things like current events and day-to-day story-telling. This reimagined show is something that combines all the best of what the previous seasons of the Suger + Ink podcast was, brought into the present.

30’ish: a podcast about two 30-somethings living their best life

At this stage, we’ll launch the 30’ish podcast welcome episode and episode 01 on the 1st October. After that episodes will follow weekly for ten weeks with all going to plan and that will be season one. So, if that’s something you are into you can follow us now on Anchor (a new’ish podcast platform) in the app or via the website here. Then, after the 1st of October, we should show up on iTunes, SoundCloud, GooglePlay and all those places you can listen to podcasts.

Plus, just as with Suger + Ink, I will be putting podcast episodes on my YouTube channel where you can WATCH all the shenanigans happen. Which, given I have plans to drink way more wine while this one is being recorded, could be anything! Haha. And I don’t know about you, but sometimes it helps to put a face to the voice with this sort of thing. Don’t you think? Look for the 30’ish podcast playlist for all the episodes in the one place.

30'ish podcast - Launching Soon

Follow 30’ish Podcast on Instagram (that’s new!), Facebook or via the Suger + Ink blog where all the show notes will appear. 

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