Well it has begun. Tis the season and all that. Is it just me or does THE SEASON begin earlier each year? And I don’t mean decorations in shops or fruit mince pies in the supermarket. I mean the events. The dinners, the drinks, the get togethers… All that. Maybe it’s just me. Maybe we really went out of our way to make friends this year so we got more invitations? Whatever it is it has begun!

So when I finished work, had been to the pool for a swim and THEN I get notified that we are popping into one of Hubby’s client’s Christmas party drinks I was a little worried {to say the least} about what to wear and how quickly I would need to get dressed. I ducked into my robe room fresh from the shower and my eyes fell on this dress. Rather spacious, I hadn’t worn it since it came into my possession, I guess I was considering my options.


Because that meant I was dressed and sorted in record time. We even had time to grab a couple of photos at the white wall on our way. It’s our fall back, in a hurry, need something we know works. So hey presto here’s a post just for you. Because sometimes the best little black dress isn’t a fitted little number. Sometimes the best little black dress it voluminous!

In other news. Did I tell you I’m dying my hair strawberry blonde? I miss being a redhead and I was going to wait until next autumn to go red. But strawberry blonde is a nice summer compromise. Don’t you think? That way with the swimming and the beach time if the red fades, it will just be a golden blonde. I’m excited! Can’t WAIT. Seeing these photos in the late afternoon sunset golden tones I think it will work out just fine. My hair is almost there anyway. Bring on next Wednesday I say!

Dress – 17 Sundays {gifted to Danimezza who gave it to ME}
Pleather tie belt – From another tunic
Bangle Set – City Chic {from a gift bag}
Royal Blue Heels – Emerson for Big W
Bag – Williams {circa 2008}
