Are we going to have the printed pants on plus size women discussion again? Probably. Every single time I wear printed pants someone tells me I’m brave. Let me tell you, wearing pants isn’t brave, they are pants. Let’s get some perspective here. I’d love to be called brave, but not for wearing pants. Thanks anyway. But what was my point?

Oh yes!

Ladies who have never tried a pair they liked, are usually the ones to have the conversation about printed pants. If this is you, I encourage you to look again. Slim fit or slouchy. There is a pair that will work for you. I really love the style of these and are indebted to 17 Sundays for continuing to feed my addiction to such things. Try lots. Find the ones that appeal to you AND look great. They are the ones.

I hate to brag but printed pants came easily to me. I embraced them in patterns and florals. Sort of stripy ones too. The more relaxed fit, peg pants style, the better. The shirt doesn’t bother me either; I’ll wear them with tucked shirts, long layers and everything in between. Printed pants never get old for me.

Get on board!

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Chambray Shirt – 17 Sundays {gifted}
Rockaway Beach Printed Pant – 17 Sundays {gifted}
Printed Slides – Target Australia

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