It’s true. I absolutely have a thing for sports movies. Almost any kind, boxing is perhaps the exception (though not always), I love them. We were watching the Martin Sheen movie, The Way last night and as I had a little cry (I usually do) I couldn’t deny it anymore; I love them.

I love sports movies of ALL kinds.


First, it was A League of Their Own. Then there was Remember the Titans. I progressed quickly through Varsity Blues, Millon Dollar Baby, Coach Carter, We Are Marshall etc and etc. and etc. Haha. Seriously, don’t make me make a list. Football movies, basketball movies, running movies, and Cool Runnings counts yeah? All the movies. And if they are based on a true story, heck, EVEN BETTER.

Last year I got into hiking movies. I have literally never hiked a day on purpose in my entire life. But I watched Wild, like three times, and I was hooked. Then my brother did the Kokoda Challenge (read that post if you haven’t it’s a gut-wrencher) and I was like, maybe hiking isn’t for me. At ALL. But then I watched A Walk in the Woods and was charmed all over again. It’s the cycle of sports movies for me. They’re just so motivating.


And no, I have no immediate plans to start hiking.

I am NOT a crazy person.

Not this week.


But mostly I was sure that there’s something in the struggle, the probable triumph and the friendships that just makes me a happy happy girl. Some people like stories about love, some like to be scared. Not me, I want there to be sweat.

And, there should be MORE movies about women’s sports. Don’t you think? Team sports especially. Wild was beautiful but give me more League of Their Own type goodness. An ensemble cast, mate-ship, all the good things. Yes, let’s make THAT movie. The American soccer team that won the cup (and has been winning for AGES) not that long ago? Disney had better get their butt onto that. I’d watch it.


There you go. That’s the update from me. I love sports movies and want more made about women. And last but not least, I’m never going to be someone who hikes on purpose. Haha. 


What’s your favourite movie genre?

Why I have a thing for sports movies | Suger Coat It
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