Excuse the iPhone photo please. But you see, when I said yesterday that I was a little stuck for post ideas Faith suggested that it might be time to share another foodie type post. A recipe or a how to. That got me thinking, ages ago, a lifetime of Instagram ago I posted a photo of my chickpea salad lunch and people went crazeeee. I promised and haven’t delivered a recipe for it. I do miss cooking, maybe I should do a little more of it again sometime soon. I made some zucchini pancakes but they were a bit of a flop, so maybe I’ll have a little think and share some more, errr, reliable recipes. Haha. Until then, here we go my friends.

You’ll need.

Chickpeas {single can, rinsed}
Red onion
Red and green capsicum
Snow peas
Baby Spinach leaves
Continental parsley to taste
Basil to taste
Olive oil
Salt and Pepper.

Tuna, chicken or salmon to finish.

Then do this.

Cut anything that needs chopping into similiar’ish sized pieces. When you’re done, combine all vegetable ingredients. Add olive oil {no more than a few tablespoons} and herbs to taste. Add salt and pepper and the juice of a lemon. Stir everything together, if you’ve got a bowl with a lid, shake it up. If storing, leave protein out of the mix until ready to serve. This mix keeps for over a week {drain it daily to remove moisture} in the fridge. If it lasts that long. If you want more of anything, add it. I like vinegar some days, mayo other days. More pepper is always awesome too.