Oh dear lord. As I sit here now, I still feel the need to recover a little. Like maybe a month of napping would sort me out. Or a juice cleanse. SOMETHING. I’m pooped. You see, Amanda and I share a birthday and after a couple of years of knowing each other we decided to pack up the girls and make a weekend of it.

Even though our birthday isn’t officially until THIS Thursday, mark it in your calendar. Wink wink. 

So our plus blogger contingent descended on a suburban Sunshine Coast home with a spacious pool area and enough beds to sleep two by two. Even though it ended up more like, two, and lots of ones on couches etc. We were set. We over packed, over purchased on food and drink and we were on our way.

It was an epic weekend. The type of weekend that cements friendships like ours because of all the fun times, the laughs, the secrets shared… And well, when you see someone in their togs (or naked) for like 4 days straight, it gets pretty personal. Haha.

But I’m going the let the Instagram hashtag tell the story. No you perves, there’s no nudes there. That’s what SNAP CHAT is for. Jokes. LOL. So enjoy the pics, sorry about all the embedding, I hate that sometimes myself, but it’ll be worth it. Hang in for them to load. OR pop over to the hashtag now on Insta.

First Night, I fell off a giant swan… And bloggers being bloggers, they got it all on camera. Eeeek.

A photo posted by Suger Coat It (@sugercoatit) on

There were more cocktails the next day…

A photo posted by @waituntilsunset on

More selfies…

A photo posted by Suger Coat It (@sugercoatit) on

More pictures with the swan Em had affectionately named Bruce (RIP Bruce).

A photo posted by Suger Coat It (@sugercoatit) on

And then more punch.

A photo posted by Suger Coat It (@sugercoatit) on

More selfies.

A photo posted by Melissa Walker Horn (@melissawalkerhorn) on

And then, it was time to take our tired old lady asses home.

A photo posted by Suger Coat It (@sugercoatit) on

The End.

A photo posted by @waituntilsunset on

When was the last time YOU went away with friends?

Skimlinks Test