Pod Coffee Machine Review

Pod Coffee Machine Review

Post brought to you by Nescafe and my Christmas list in 2013. Twas the weekend before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, certainly not a freaking mouse. And I wanted a coffee machine. Something with pods to replace my coffee grind...
Review: The iPhone 6 Plus + Me

Review: The iPhone 6 Plus + Me

A week ago Mr Suger’s contract on his phone plan came due. We are on alternate years, so I asked if he planned to get the new iPhone 6 or 6 Plus with his new contract. And shock horror to this blog type he said no, that maybe he’d just get the 5s. I have...
Little Moments App Review

Little Moments App Review

As those who follow me on Instagram, perhaps even Facebook, will have seen over the past couple of weeks I have been trialling the brand spanking new Little Moments app by Chantelle at Fat Mum Slim. I consider this lady a friend so my review is probably...