Hmmmm, sparkle hey. We’ve had sequins, glam, bling and all things sparklesque in the time since the Aussie Curves challenges started. And me? Well I have a bit of a personal war going on with sequins. I love to hate them and they love to love me so hard it hurts. My arms usually. Scratchy goodness it is not. So sparkle week was eyed off with a distinct wariness from over here where I am.

I had to phone a friend.

Mel. Liv. Desiree. HELP.

Bring me all the sparkles PLEASE I said. And boy oh boy did Mel deliver. But then, you saw her shop that time I shared photos of it, right? Sequin heaven. There was even this killer combo that I was prancing about my house at 2am wearing. So it was a tough call to decide on this flirty, fun skater dress in a foil looking silver fabric. Sooo easy to wear. Stretchy and the flippy skirt is lots of fun. Add stockings and ankle boots and you can’t beat it. If only I had my leather baseball cap already. That would’ve been a total outfit win.  

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Silver Skater Dress – via Curvy Cartel {would fit size 20}
Faux Suspender Stockings – {gifted}
Boots – Target Australia {similar}


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