the latest from the blog
It’s been a while since I had my heart broken
It's hard to believe that my first post about our new puppy, Fetch, is probably my last. No sugarcoating it here, this past few weeks have sucked. Big time. Skip this one if you're not in the mood, folks. I just wanted to make sure he was documented here, where all...
Where to begin…
I've sat down to write this update post multiple times now. It's been a while, and there is a lot to catch up on. Stuff with me, the business, the house, finding my feet after the year that was 2020 and everything in between. But then the sheer volume overwhelms...
I stopped writing about confidence when anxiety took over
Writing a blog about confidence is pretty tough when you feel like a fraud. I should know; that's exactly how I felt. Looking back, I knew things were really out of control when I attended an event in Brisbane, pre-Covid. In a room full of people, most I'd known...
New to me plus-size brands giving big summer energy
A beach baby since before birth, I'm team summer, even if it leaves me a frizzy, sweaty mess more often than not. Thankfully, after a little exploring online, some new to me plus-size brands with big summer energy popped into my feed. Everything you need for a...
What I learned when I gave up drinking
I'm serious when I tell you when I gave up drinking, I hadn't intended to. One day I was changing how I ate, looking to achieve a whole host of things, and I decided alcohol wouldn't fit in with those changes. So, I stopped drinking. Now, It's been three months...
Make something, even if it sucks: Ask Suger
Considering I was in my office this morning before 6 am, you'd think I'd be ready to roll with this email early, right? Apparently not. I got caught up making a few changes to the blog branding I had a dream about last night. Saying it came to me in a dream seems a...
How much I made on Fiverr in my first year
It all started with a simple question, can I earn money on Fiverr as a photographer? Keen to get into doing more product photography, I was looking for a way to find clients and generate more work for myself. A YouTube video about a freelance copywriter on CNBC's...
Feeling left behind in life: Ask Suger
A couple of weeks ago, I received an Ask Suger talking about the changes they had been going through in their life and how they felt behind everyone else they knew. And it wasn't that they were not getting what they wanted, feeling as if they were taking giant...
How did I disappear from my life?
Where did I go? That's the question I've been asking myself lately. How did I manage to disappear from my life? Somewhere around late 2020, I stopped documenting my life, being in pictures and outside of the weekly Suger News emails sharing. Where did I go? I don't...
Taking Shape x Elverina Johnson collection
Taking Shape is thrilled to reveal the first-ever First Nations designs by the highly regarded artist Elverina Johnson. A highly respected Gungganji Gurugulu woman from Yarrabah in Far North Queensland, Elverina is one of the Nation’s most recognisable and...
Puma x Modibodi
Modibodi has partnered up with PUMA to launch a range of leak-free period activewear and underwear*, created to help women stay comfortable and active during their period whilst making a positive environmental impact. Awesome news for my inbox this week, right? I...
Lizzo’s Watch Out for the Big Grrrls reminded me why I started blogging
When I shared the Lizzo's Watch Out for the Big Grrrls announcement post over the weekend, I was hoping for a little more opportunity to talk about this show, maybe even rave a little about it. I've seen it twice, some napping occurred the second time around, and I...

hey, i'm suger
I'm Melissa Walker Horn; around here, they call me Suger. I'm a photographer and business owner, a sneaker-wearing, wine-drinking, o.g. blogger. I love a casual ootd, my family, + the beach. I've got a thing for cheese, but there's no way you'll ever catch me eating apricot chicken. I'm here for the casual ootd and stripes, and I hate fussy, overly styled clothing and ruffles.
My story is about self-awareness and confidence, a gift I wish to offer every woman and girl out there. When it comes to this blog, that's all I hope to deliver – to you, your friend, daughter or a lady you met on the street. And as far as I'm concerned, you must keep showing up for people.
what's trending on the blog
not sure where to start? here are the posts people keep on coming back for
looking for a confidence boost?
check out these must-read posts to get you started building your self-esteem, confidence and body image
ready to make money online?
sharing what I've learned in the last decade of earning a living online through blogging, content creation and more