It’s been a big week so far for the Confident You Body Confidence challengers. Wow. We’ve talked about everything from our insecurities and body shaming to celebrating our body wins and those people who love us no matter what. To say I’m proud of where we are as we enter the home stretch is an understatement.

As part of the challenge, I sent out a crazy number of requests for body confidence related quotes, thoughts, and tips. The people you see below are those that responded (I could have done better representation-wise, I will spread the net wider again next time) and became our daily poster child. It’s funny how with a pre-planned idea of daily emails, that these quotes all found a way to perfectly fit the days.


But then, that’s what happens when you take some time out of your every day to examine something as important as your relationship with your body. I’ve seen people in the challenge group change their mind about beliefs they’ve held for decades because of something someone has said or a thought they hadn’t had before. So take some time today, whether you choose to join us in the challenge or not, and consider your relationship with your body.

Me – Suger Coat It

“Now is the only time that matters when it comes to taking back control of your body”

Brooke – Blonde Ambition/Brooke Wore What

“I remember all the cool things my body can do.”

Jo – iCurvy

“It’s a very happy healthy place.”

Carly – Tune into Radio Carly

“Be courageous enough to look the world in the eye when they’re not able to look you in the eye.”

Laura – Model, Presenter, Environmental Scientist 

“It’s funny what a few years, some self-confidence and body appreciation does”

Nikki – Styling You

“Look away from those magazine covers”

Rachel –

“You value is nothing to do with your body”

Natalie – XL as Life

“Learn to embrace that individualism” 

Taryn – Body Image Movement

“Experience all the joy life has to offer”

Samara – Blonde Ink

“The moment your mind switches over to love and acceptance fo your body, you feel free”

Dan – Inner Self Revealed

“Because, mind and body, they work in harmony”

Erika – The Queen of Confidence

“What am I telling myself and how does that impact my life?”

Meagan – This is Meagan Kerr

“It’s about having the courage to be yourself, just as you are right now.”

Nat – Make It Look Easy

“I am me; I am awesome, and I have a body that allows me to perform all sorts of wonderful acts”

Desiree – Madame Rouge Makeup

“Worrying about how my body looks or how others perceive it seems kind of pointless.”

Sam – Body Confidence Society

“There will always be looks from people, but I refuse to miss out.”

Chantelle – Fat Mum Slim

“I started saying yes to things I didn’t want to do, but I knew would take me where I wanted to go”



Jump on the Confident You Challenge list now and you can access the email archives.

*featured image by Allef Vinicius