Most days of the week I am emailed, messaged or tagged in articles or projects that may interest me. Thank goodness for that because finding interesting content on the internet is a hard slog through loads of rubbish. Since last week this link has passed under my nose not once, not even twice but three times. You’ll love this Suger, they say. Do you know Taryn Brumfitt, they said? The Body Image Movement, have you heard of that?

I had but I hadn’t.

When I visited Taryn’s blog I recognised her unconventional before and after photos. I recognised her ‘this is my excuse’ photo. I knew of Taryn. Sure I did. I was proud of her work as an active, fit and healthy Mum who had decided that loving her body at whatever stage was more important to the example she wanted to set for her daughter than perfection. And then not only did she set out to change things for herself, in her own mind, but she took on the world.

Taryn Brumfitt - Embrace

All lovely news, I’m sure you will agree. You’ll probably pop over to her blog, read some of the goodness she has there. And I hope you do. But will it be enough. Will girls like the one in my post last week. Girls like me and future versions of me. Will they know that to love and care for themselves has to be a priority? Will they know that their value does not reside in their body or appearance but in their contribution? How will they know?

Well Taryn has something in mind for that too.

A documentary. A documentary about body image, about what it REALLY takes to have a body sculpture’s body, about women and ideas of beauty and perfection and more. It aims to shift the ideas of women and those raising them. It aims to make a difference in how we see ourselves and why perfect as an ideal of health and body-image is madness.

And without our help this documentary may never be made. You’ve heard about Kickstarter, right? Well the documentary will be made when and if they raise the funds required to make it by the deadline. I’ll be contributing and encourage you to do so too. Imagine if this is the piece in the puzzle for just one girl out there. Imagine if this story shared is the piece YOU have been waiting for to truly embrace who you are. The whole thing could be for you.

I ask now that you head over to Kickstarter. You can contribute as little as a single dollar and by doing so let’s stand firmly behind someone doing something real to make a difference. Something bigger than we are right now {I assume}. Something that has the power to reach out to those girls we know and love, the future girls and says start loving your body now, not when and if it becomes perfect and stays perfect. Start here ladies. I don’t beg often, but I beg you. Do what you can.

Go to Kickstarter now.