
Well ladies and gentleducks, it’s that time of year again. It’s time for Dry July and I am participating. You know how it goes, right? You give up the booze for the month and raise funds in aide of adults dealing with cancer. My charity of choice is the Queensland Cancer Council.

And I’m ready. Keen to participate and even take on some of the recipes and health and fitness challenges. It’s whole hog time. Most years I’ve had a conference or two in July so purchased the Golden Tickets to get me through but this year my plan is to live without them. But feel free to donate one just in case I get a better offer. Haha.

Mostly I do Dry July to clear my head, as the slogan goes, to reclaim my weekends and take a break from the drinking and partying that takes up a large portion of our free time came Friday through Sunday. It’s not even that we are particularly cool, I’m just related to A LOT of people.

So join Team Suger if you like. All our funds raised still go towards the charity of the individuals choosing but our total gets tallied and we can come together and support each other.  Or like it’s going so far with my brother and I, trying to beat each other donations wise. He’s winning. It’s embarrassing. I’m going to force Hubby to donate toward me asap just to even things up. Haha.

So that’s about it. Let’s talk about this again soon. I can’t wait to see what I can get done in a low-key month at home off the booze. I think I might just be able to solve all the worlds problems. My Instagram could be a little dull though. You’ve been warned.


Visit my profile {and cough cough DONATE} here.
I don’t mind if it’s $5 or $50. Let’s raise some money for the Cancer Council Queensland. 

Skimlinks Test