We are only days away from kicking off the 2016 Confident You Body Confidence challenge. Holy heck. Time flies when you’re having fun and writing your butt off on a new challenge. Haha. I wanted to make it clear how the challenge will work. A frequently asked questions, of sorts! So, let’s do this.

Confident You Body Challenge 2016

Erika | The Queen of Confidence

Email Subscribers.

You guys will receive daily challenge emails delivered to their inbox. This is where the magic happens. I’m asking the over 200 people subscribed to the emails to really dig deep, to tackle the challenge day by day and see what results show up for them. There is a Facebook Group to support this, click over here to join or sign up below.

Subscribe the Confident You Challenge list!

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The daily photo challenge. 

This is a way to turn those emails into practice, but also a way for those who follow Suger Coat It on Instagram to participate. With a daily photo prompt, curated by the #mybodypositive #sugersconfidentyou hashtags, we can support each other as we tackle the homework and find OUR way of being more confident in our body.

Confident You Photo Challenge 2016

On the blog.

Here I will share the contents of some of the emails. Posts that I feel will resonate with those playing at home with the photo challenge but not actively participating. You can change your mind and opt into the emails at any time, but this is like Confident You Lite.