FYI – This post contains a gifted item I ended up talking A LOT about. 

Now Festival theme week is something I LOVE the idea of but the truth is the whole festival thing is the furthest distance away from how I’d spend a weekend. I like music, art, performance. I just don’t get the whole squished in with fifty billion people in the dirt and/or mud thing. The closest I’ve come to this sort of experience is the Music Muster held in Gympie annually and that predominantly as a volunteer.


Festival fashion interests me though. Short shorts, light blouses, sweet dresses and that real boho style with miles of long tanned legs and messy hair. Now messy hair I can do. But the rest? Hmmm, I’m not so sure! When this 17 Sundays longline shirt arrived the week after Muster I thought I’d missed my occasion to wear it. It occurred to me as a very festival look with the embroidery and chambray look. Of course, it would need ankle boots too.

No really, it’s pretty festival’ish right?

I love the colour, the rich blue is awesome but I kinda want it to fade already. Knowing the team at 17 Sundays though it probably won’t. Quality blah blah. Haha. It will probably stay this fabulous, rich blue until I beat the colour out of it or something. I think they might kill me though for distressing their beautiful piece. Promise I won’t tell them if you don’t? Wink wink.

Now, what was I saying? Oh yes. I think with the embroidery and all that this would make the perfect shirt dress over leggings {it’s a wee bit short for me as a dress, dress} and I’m even pondering layering it over my red jeans to really make it kick. I’d be interested to hear what your thoughts on it might be, how would you wear it?

Chambray Tunic – 17 Sundays {gifted}
Midi Skirt {worn as dress} – ASOS Curve
Necklaces – Various 
Booties – Bare Foot Tess
