I’ve been firmly stuck in the 90’s. You know it, I know it. It’s a style I enjoy dressing in and is both casual and on trend at the same time. But since American Hustle I have this thing for the seventies fashion look. This outfit was inspired by that. I started with the dress, added the boots and the hat {which I searched for one for ages} was the perfect final touch.
And didn’t they just have THE BEST hair in the 70’s? Oh what fun that is. Man what I wouldn’t give to have someone give me the perfect blow-wave every second day. Seriously. I’d be the happiest person in the world. Small things and all that…
I’ve had this 17 Sundays dress for a while now. It came in a pack with a number of other new items sent by the brand for my ‘editorial consideration’ {i.e. Free stuff to blog if I like it, which I always do or I send it back}. Overshadowed for a while by other dresses, patterns and then the jacket it sat unloved on a hanger in my robe-room. Friday night I decided that Saturday would be THE DAY. Perfect for travel, it would finally have its day in the sun.
And then I woke up and it was cold. There was a bitter wind. I reconsidered. Would I still wear it? Was it going to keep me warm enough? Then I realised with some ankle boots {I considered tights but opted out} and some accessories it would absolutely work. And it did. Crushed it simple black dress, well done you. So with my hair and makeup done, gold accessories and an oversized handbag full of camera stuff, I left Gympie at 8am to start making my way to the Gold Coast. Feeling a wee bit overdressed for 8am, let me tell YOU.
I arrived at Mel’s after collecting Desiree along the way to carpool the rest of the way. She had laid out her entire hat collection because I’d mentioned I wanted to borrow a felt one until I could work it out where to buy my own. Giant head and all. Doubtful that hers would work for me {she has a much smaller head} I was pretty darn excited to find a wide brim, floppy black felt hat that not only fit but finished off the look perfectly. Win. Thank goodness I’d straightened my hair. It’s the closest thing I had to a 70’s blow-wave. Haha.
Can I just say, would someone PLEASE, pretty please, remind me to take outfit photos BEFORE the consumption of margaritas and wearing a felt hat inside? The combination of the flushed face and starting to stick out hat hair is a bit of a fail. But you know what,this isn’t that sort of fashion blog. It’s not the type where my hair is always perfect and my face is never rosy from a few drinks. If that’s your thing, nothing to see here! Haha.
Elastic Waist Cold Shoulder Dress – 17 Sundays BASIC {gifted}
Felt Hat – ASOS Curve {on loan – similar}
Necklace – Diva
Bracelet – ASOS Curve
Ankle Boots – Bare Foot Tess
Looking to add one of these hats to your collection? Since borrowing this one from Mel I have found a maroon one from Sportsgirl {they also have black, tan and mustard – yay!) which fits my large head well. Win. Otherwise ASOS have some in their current Curve section. This one of Mel’s was from ASOS but is a little older. Worth a try though, right?
Good luck folks. Happy felt hatting.
Hi! I’m Melissa Walker Horn. Around here, they call me Suger. I’m the Chief Blogger and doer of all the things here at Suger Coat It. Blogging since 1901; I love a casual ootd, taking photos, and writing about things that irk or inspire me. I love wine and cheese, long days at the beach and spending time with my family. I make stuff for the internet over at Chalkboard Digital. You know, living the sweet life.
That hat is awesome! It suits you so well!
Thank you Nat. x
LOVE the dress, hope you don’t mind me asking but what size is yours?
No problem at all. Mine is a large. If I wasn’t as tall as I am, I would’ve sized down to the medium but I need the length. Good luck!
Thanks so much, and thanks for a great blog. You haver really helped me learn to accept and dress my post baby body!
My head is fairly average size, but I feel your pain anyway – there was this awesome red felt fedora in Taree Vinnies the other week and I couldn’t get my head into it!
I have a nice collection of hats (including a felt one like yours under the bed back home, which will need some serious TLC when I dig it out) but I can’t manage to get out the door wearing one! I select my hat, sometimes pin a jaunty brooch to the hat band (I have an excellent collection of brooches), arrange myself in the mirror, then fling the hat onto my bed and run away.
OMG. Wear the hat! Pleeeeeease wear the hats. x
OMG! I have Bobble Head Syndrome too. I would never buy a hat without trying it on because, especially women’s hats, tend to be small. Why can’t I go for a hat fitting like you do a bra fitting? Get an expert to work it out and tell me what I’m dealing with here so I can understand hat shopping once and for all?
I love to be able to try them on and see what they look like. And yes!! You could put in your hat size and choose from those designed to fit.